Checking lottery 6166 of ETL
Fee 600 kip / time
Register type ON send to 6166
Cancel type OFF send to 6166
The system will automatically report the lottery every time (for monthly register)
Register Last Lottery Report
Type LOT space date/month/year send to 6166
EX: Type LOT space XX/XX/2021 send to 6166
Checking per Time
Type LOT send to 6166
Fee: 1000 kip / time
How to buy loterry
- Checking Balance.
- By SMS: type your lucky number * amount of money #.
- You need to buy 526 for 10.000 kip
Type 526*10000#
- You need to buy 526 for 10.000kip and 26 for 20.000 kip
Type 526*10000#26*20000#
- Send to 6166
- Get a short message confirming the purchase of Lottery
- You can purchase Lottery by dialing 6166 and following the instructions
Remark: Use only PrePaid number
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